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Дата: 11-04-2012, 11:06       Категория: ---      


§ 34. Match Results

Match results are the victory of one participant and defeat of the other one.

34. 1. To value victory and defeat quality while individual and team places are defining, there are awarded points:

a)     pre-term victory of the participant applying punch, submission, choke move or having the advantages over his opponent (in case of disability) is scored as match result  4:0;

b)     victory as the result of opponent dismissal within the match course or refusal to continue the match is scored as match result 4:1;

c)     victory by points is scored as match result 4:2;

d)     extra-time victory by the decision of referees is scored as match result 4:3.

34.2. Pre-term victory is awarded  

-   for submission move, when the defensive wrestler gives the signal about stopping resistance – “surrender” (a signal is given by the loud exclamation “Yes” or many time claps by the hand on the body or mat or by the foot on the mat);

- for choke technique when the defensive wrestler surrenders or loses his consciousness when his opponent influences on his respiratory tract;

-  for punch when the participant loses his ability to control the match  and physically defense;

- when the participant has evident advantages (the opponent is disable);

- if the opponent is dismissed by the doctor`s resolution or because of the violation;

- if the opponent or  second refuses to participate in the match;

34.3. victory is awarded when time of the match passes:

- if there is the score difference for technical moves in points

-   by the referee`s decision when there is no score difference after extra-time of the match passes.

34.4. Results and Victory and Defeat Types are given in the Table №2:

Table № 2


Match Results and Victory Types



Results of Match Participant



1 .  Pre-term Victory (4:0):

- as the result of punch                                      - as the result of submission move                                  - as the result of choke technique                            
 - as the result of evident advantages



Proportion of scores  4 : 0

-   accounted punch (disable)

-  accounted submission move

-  accounted choke technique;


the participant gets punch series (squall of applied punches), attacks when he cannot defend himself and fight further




2. Victory (4:1.):

- when the opponent is dismissed during course of the match



- victory as the result of refusal to continue the fight



Proportion of scores  4:1

- the participant is injured and cannot fight further by the doctor`s resolution;

- the participant is dismissed for the Rules to be broken;

- the participant or his representative (trainer) refuses wrestling;



3. Victory (4:2): 






Proportion of scores  4:2

- when there is score difference in points


4. Victory (4:3.):                           

- by the decision of judges



Proportion of scores  4:3

-  when one of match results (set forth above) is missed.



34.5.   If as the result of match basic time to be over the score difference in points is absent or the difference is expressed by scored activity of one of the match participants, two minutes without break are added.

34.6.  If technical moves of the participants are equally valued after extra-time to be over, the victory is awarded based on the following criteria (in preference order):

а)     by higher scoring of technical moves;

b)     by the last scored move;

c)     by the decision of group of judges;

34.8.  Team results are defined by the biggest number of points.

1 point – for seventh, eighth place in the competitions;

2 points  for fifth, sixth place in the competitions;

3 points - for the fourth place in the competitions;

4 points – for the third place in the competitions;

6 points – for the second place in the competitions;

8 points – for the first place in the competitions.


§ 35. Match Beginning and Ending

35.1.  To wrestle (to participate in the competitions) the participants are asked to go on the mat.

35.2.  Before the beginning of the match the participants wear kurtkas with the belts of red and blue colors in accordance with the results of casting of lots.

The participant asked to go on the mat first (in the red kurtka) stands on the mat angle indicated by red color. His opponent (in the blue kurtka) stands on the mat angle indicated by blue color.

Seconds of participants take the appropriate places at the mat in one line with the judges.

35.3.  After wrestling the participants by the referee`s gesture meet in the center of the mat, shake hands and make one step backwards. Then by the referee`s command by the hand gesture and by the voice “Fight!” (while the bell or gong sounds – a signal that the fight is to be started) they begin wrestling.

35.4.  The match is over by the sound signal (a bell, a gong). The participants go to their places (corners).

35.5. To announce match results, the referee calls the participants into the middle of the mat and rises the winner`s hand (he took the wrists of both of them beforehand) with his face to be opposite the chief referee. The participants shake their hands and leave the mat followed by their seconds.

§ 36. Course, Duration and Number of Matches

36.1.   Duration of matches is 3 minutes for boys, girls, young men and women, 4 minutes for children and youth matches for the third place and finals.

36.2.   Duration of matches is 4 minutes for others and 5 minutes for matches fot the third place and finals.

36.3.   If match results are absent that give an opportunity to define the winner in accordance with the Table № 2 (Item 32.4) without the match to be stopped by the arbiter two minutes of extra-time are given.

36.4.   Match time is counted while the referee commands “Fight!”. Time of stops is not included into the clear (factual) time of the duel.

36.5.   When the time is over, the match is finished by the bell or gong or by time-keeper`s voice.

36.6.   The participant has less than 3 minutes for medical care during one match and repairs the equipment.

36.7.  Competitions in one and the same weight category are held within a day. The number of participant matches is not more than 6. If the competitions last two days, the number of matches within a day is less than 4.

36.8.  In the competitions of boys, girls, young men and women the number of matches is not more than 4.

36.9.  Break between the matches for each participant can be more than 10 minutes.

§ 37. Match Result Definition and Announcement

37.1.  The winner is defined by the arbiter based on records in the minute of the match executed in accordance with announced values for technical moves of the participants.

37.2.   Match results are announced in the following way:

а)      pre-term victory in the match “In… minutes…. seconds…the sportsman with the red (blue) belt (name, surname, sport team) won as the result of submission move (punch, choke, his opponent to be disable or advantages over his opponent)”. The results of other types of pre-term victories are announced by analogy;

b)      victory in the match by points: “By points with the result .. there won the sportsman with the red (blue) belt (name, surname, sport team)”;

c)      victory by the referees consent: “By the referee consent there won the sportsman with the red (blue) belt (name, surname, sport team)”;

d)      hen the opponent is dismissed: “In…. minutes…. seconds there won the sportsman with the red (blue) belt (name, surname, sport team)”.

§ 38. Situations that are not given in the Rules

38.1. When the situations appear on the mats that are not given in the Rules, the referee stops the match to avoid negative results.

38.2. The arbiter announces the decision of the panel of judges after discussion with  the referee, judges (with chief referee, if necessary).

§ 39. Protest

Protest can be given by the team representative (The Delegation Leader) in case of the Rules or Position to be broken or unordinary situations to be present.

39.1.  Protest is given for the chief judge (the representative of Arbitral Commission) of the competitions in written form in Russian (English) with reference on the Items of the Rules to be broken during 30 minutes after the match to be over.

39.2.   In case of false protest the team representative can be dismissed in the competitions.

39.3.  When the protest is accepted, it is considered by the whole staff of the panel of judges (the Arbitral Commission) that makes the final decision by the majority of votes.

39.4.   While considering the protest, video records of the match can be analyzed, the representatives of both teams (delegations) are invited with this purpose, but without the right to be involved in discussion;

39.5.  The decision of the panel of judges is informed in written form.

Equipment and Inventory

§ 40. Mat

40.1.  Competitions in Combat Sambo are held on the plane area of 13x13m to avoid injury during the competitions. A square mat (not less than 10x10m) is put on this area. A standard tatami (72 leaves of 1x2m each) or a wrestling carpet can serve as a mat.

40.2.  The center of the mat is marked with the circle of 40sm diameter.

40.3.  Inside the mat working area is limited with the line (10-100sm wide) that shall be not near than 1m from the mat edge. One meter stripe behind the working area forms the safety zone.

40.4.  Working area of the mat is the square inside the safety zone of 8x8m (6-8m diameter circle is accepted).

40.5.  An area where the mat is put on shall be at least 2,5m wider than the mat in all directions and free of any objects and enclosures.

40.6.   In the competitions dais height cannot be more than 1м. Dais sides shall have an angle of incline into the outer direction (45°) be decorated with panno.

40.7.   The mat shall be strengthened by the limited wooden frame height of which shall be twice less than mat height for mat blocks (mats or tatami) to cover the area without slits.

40.8.  Necessary sanitary norms (washing, disinfection of the mat, carpet, etc.) are foreseen as well.

§ 41. A Sound Signal, Scales, a Stop-Watch

41.1.  A sound signal (a bell, a gong) can be of any system, but loud one.

41.2.  Scales for weighing the participants shall be exactly checked and correspond to weighing exactness that is ± 0,1kg.

41.3.  Stop-watches (or electrical stop-watches) shall be certified and have devices of stopping and turning them on without throwing minute and second data off.

§ 42. Mass Media

42.1.   To inform the judges and participants about each minute of the match passed there can be used tables or electronic screen for counting time.

42.2.   To inform spectators and participants about the course of the match there can be installed electric screen or board, where scores for participant techniques, remarks and warnings are demonstrated.

42.3.   Figures are text on the screen shall be visible for participants and spectators quite well.

§ 43. Requirements to competition places

43.1.  Natural premise illumination coefficient for competitions shall be not less 1:6, artificial illumination is less than 800 luxes. Mat surface shall be illuminated from above by the lamps of reflecting or diffused light with protective net.

43.2.   While holding the competitions the temperature shall be from +15 till + 25 Grad Celsius in the premises; air huminidy is not less than 60%.

43.3.  Ventilation in the premises shall supply tree-times air circulation per hour.

43.4.  While holding the competitions in open air, the area shall be protected from direct sun rays.

43.5.  An area shall have no spectators in a distance of 3 meter from the mat.

Position on Competitions

An obligatory document for holding the competitions is the Position on Competitions that is approved by the organizers or Ukrainian Combat Sambo Federation.It shall be given in the Position the following:

  • character of competitions;


  • aims and tasks;


  • organizations and participant (gender, age, classification);


  • organization that holds the competitions;


  • place and time of competitions held;


  • system and method of holding the competitions;


  • continuation of matches;


  • terms of participation and examination;


  • scoring system of results of technical moves and matches;


  • staff of panel of judges;


  • order and terms of filing, the list of documents, given to the Mandate Commission;


  • terms of participant and team acceptance;


  • order of medical control and medical and sanitary supplying;


  • Competition Program with exact date and time of weighing and competitions in each weight category;


  • order of winner (individual and team championship) rewarding.


  • order of rewarding of Champion coaches and Prizewinners of individual and team championship.


I. System of leaving the field after one defeat (Olympic), sportsmen lost for finalists meet in the matches for the third place.

1.1. Casting of Lots
Competition participants “spare” for each tour according to the current number given to each of them as the result of casting of lots holding before the competitions during weighing.Casting of lots shall be public. Counters, numbered in accordance with the number of participants who were medically examined, are in the closed ballot-box, woven bag or other capacity where numbers are not visible. If another system is used, it should guarantee confidentiality of numbers during casting of lots.After weighing the participant takes the number himself in accordance to which he is “spared”.This number is recorded in the weighing protocol, start protocol and informational protocol set for public review.

1.2. Start Protocol
If one or several participants are not weighed or their weight exceeds limits of the particular weight category, after weighing participants are grouped again in order of classification from the smallest number to the highest one.

№ 1      Е
№ 2      Н
№ 3      В
№ 4      А
№ 5      D
№ 6      C      Wrestlers are grouped in the following order
№ 7      J           
№ 8      L
№ 9      I
№ 10    G
№ 11    K
№ 12    F

1.3. “Sparing”
Participants “spare” in subgroups according to the start list. There is prepared the document defining the procedure of recording and competition schedule taking into consideration all necessary information according to the system of holding the competitions. The list of pares for each circle and their results as well are recorded on the score-board for the participants to use it in any time.

1.4. Competition Method

1. Competition Systems and Methods

Competitions are held by the system of direct leaving the field (everyone against everyone) in the following way:

- Sparing is held according to casting of lots.All competitions are held by system of direct leaving the field with consoling fights for losers won by those who compete for the first and second places. At the beginning of the competitions counting of the ideal number is done from the bottom of the table.
- The only fighters won by two finalists have the right for consoling fights.The consoling fight is started by wrestlers lost in the first tour (including counting of the ideal number) against one of two finalists till losing in the half final by the system of direct leaving the field. Winners of two last consoling fights are rewarded with the Bronze Medal.
- All fights in each weight category are held within one day. Weighing for each category is held before the competitions in this category.Competitions are built in the following way:

а)  Qualification Fights.
в)  Selection Tours.
с)  Consoling Fights.
d)  Final Fights.
If there are 4 wrestlers in the weight category, the Nordic system shall be used (everyone against everyone).
To apply the system of direct leaving the field, it is necessary to have an ideal number of wrestlers that are 4, 8, 16, 32, 64…. etc. If there are no an ideal number of wrestlers in any weight category, qualification fights shall be hold.

Qualification Fights
To receive the nearest ideal number that helps to apply the system of direct leaving the field (16 wrestlers), it is necessary to hold the qualification fights.In this case we have 6 wrestlers more than ideal number 16. 
Qualification fights shall be hold between wrestlers who took numbers higher than 16 that are 17, 18, 19, 20, 21 and 22 and 6 fighters who took numbers before 17 that are 16, 15, 14, 13, 12 and 11. On principle of sparing in order of numbers chosen, we have following fighters:
-  number 11 against number 12
-  number 13 against number 14
-  number 15 against number 16
-  number 17 against number 18
-  number 19 against number 20
-  number 21 against number 22

Winners of this 6 qualification meetings are included into the selection tour of competitions on direct leaving the field.

Selection Tours
After qualification meetings we have an ideal number of 16 wrestlers. There are included 10 wrestlers who took numbers from 1 till 10 and 6 wrestlers who won in the qualification fights that are number 12, 13, 15, 17 and 22 (to receive 16) in number of 16 wrestlers who participate in the selection tours. Following sparing principle all the time in order of numbers chosen, 1 selection tour is held in the following way:
- number 1 against number 2
- number 3 against number 4
- number 5 against number 6
- number 7 against number 8
- number 9 against number 10
- number 12 against number 13            winners of qualification meetings
- number 15 against number 17-18        winners of qualification meetings
- number 19 against number 22             winners of qualification meetings  

Consoling Fights
As it was given above, all wrestlers who lost to two finalists have the right for consoling fights.Fighters won by finalist № 5:
- № 6 (lost Tour 1)
№ 7 (lost Tour 2)
- № 3 (lost Tour 3).
Fighters won by finalist № 15:
- № 16 (lost in the qualification fights)
- №17 – 18 (lost Tour 1)
- № 19 (lost Tour 2)
- № 12 (lost Tour 3) 
Consoling fights are started by wrestlers lost to the finalists on the lowest level of competitions.

Fight 1: № 6 (lost Tour 1) against № 7 (lost Tour 2)
Fight 2: the winner of the first fight (№6) against №3 (lost the third match)
Fighter № 6 – the winner of consoling group lost to finalist № 5
The same with the wrestlers won by finalist № 15:
1 fight: № 16 (lost the qualification tour) against № 17 (lost Tour 1)
2 fight: the winner of the first fight (№ 16) against № 19 (lost  Tour 2)
3 fight: winner of the second fight (№ 16) against № 12 (lost Tour 3)
Fighter № 16 – the winner of consoling group won by the finalist № 15.
Two winners of two last consoling matches (№№ 6 and 16) are rewarded with the Bronze Medal.

Both finalists of two selection tours (№№ 5 and 15) compete for the first and second places.

Classification Criteria  

Wrestlers of each category are classified in following way:

-  Losers of two final matches for bronze medals take the fifth place.-  To classify wrestlers, classification points are taken into consideration starting from the seventh place.

1.5. Protocol Ceremony
First 4 wrestlers of each weight category participate in the protocol ceremony and they are rewarded with the Medal and Diploma according to the place taken.
1 place – Gold Medal
2 place – Silver Medal
3-3 place – Bronze Medal
Protocol ceremonies are held immediately after the final fight in the relevant weight category after all fights.

1.6. Team Classification in the Individual Competitions
Team Classification is made according to places.
First 8 participants are classified in the competitions.

For 1 place  in each weight category the wrestler is rewarded 8 points
For 2 place  in each weight category the wrestler is rewarded 6 points
For 3-3 places in each weight category the wrestler is rewarded  4 points
For 5-5 places in each weight category the wrestler is rewarded  2 points                                          
For 7-7 places  in each weight category the wrestler is rewarded 1 point
Usage of this table is stable not depending on number of wrestlers in each weight category. If more than one participant takes part in the weight category, team result is based on the best scoring of one of the participants. If scores are equal, during classification of several teams the team taken the first places more often is the winner.

II. System of Leaving the Field after One Defeat (Olympic)

1. Order of Holding the Competitions

1.1. During casting of lots all participants are divided into two subgroups - А (odd number) and - B (even number). The number of each participant is defined as the result of casting of lots directly during weighing or after it and taken within the whole period of competitions.
1.2. Within the limits of each group preliminary meetings are held by the system of leaving the field after the first defeat. The participant (the winner) enters to the next circle of competitions.
1.3. In the final part of competitions matches are held first for the third place and then for the first one.

2. The Procedure of Pair Dividing and Defining Individual Places
2.1 Pairs of the first circle (or the circle to be held) and pairs of all the next circles of the preliminary part of competitions are formed in accordance with results of casting of lots and the scheme of Supplement 2.2. 
2.2. In the final part of competitions participants who lost in the half final (A2 and B2) meet for the third place. Half Final (A1 and B1) Winners meet in the final duel for the first place.
2.3. Places of the rest of participants who left the groups are defined according to the circle they finished the competitions in. 
Losers of quarter final matches take 5 – 8 places; losers of one eighth final take 9 – 16 places, etc.

III. Basing on the Circle System.
3.1. In accordance with the counter taken (1, 2. 3) participants are recorded in the protocols (see Protocol 1).Each wrestler fights against each of the participants. After all fights points of each participant are counted. Then, the winner is a sportsman who got the biggest amount of points.

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