It is pleasant that for last years people`s interest to Combat Sambo has been inсreasing all over the world and in our country in particular all the time.
Everyone can hear the name of legendary fighter Fedor Emelianenko who got not one ten of victories over his competitors thanking especialy to this system of fighter trainings. We saw most of the elements of Combat Sambo technique in our favourite films such as "Elusive avengers", "In zone of special attention" or " Return course" in our childhood yet. Fathers or senior brothers who served in units of Air or Navy Fores could show special techniques to some of them. Despite of all this, it happens as usual: we hear about it and even see something with half an eye, but we do not know exactly what Combat Sambo is.
Where can we see all strength and power of this Martial Art in full? Of course, in the World Championship! But only best from the best sportsmen, masters of the World level usually come to the competitions of such level. It is pleasure to say that XV World Championship in Combat Sambo among men took place on April 17, 2010 in Kiev, in the central Palace of Sport of Ukraine.
The World Championship in Combat Sambo took place at the territory of Ukraine for the first time. Before it, all previous Championhips had taken place in Russia, in the country that is considered to be the place of Sambo system foundation.

Preliminary duels started at 9:00 by Kiev time. In the first match our guy Slava Vasilenko met Dagestan representative (weight category of less than 62kg) by the casting of lots. Perhaps, it is not worth saying that he was the strongest and most principal competitor for the young representative of Cherkassy Combat Sambo. Vyacheslav led his first duel very competent having got a victory by points and also he passes all the rest of distance with confidence. In the final he met Georgia representative Mamuka Ovakimyan, who had time to show himself perfect to public in his previous fights thanking to his unreal flexibility and will-power. Mamuka was caught by the submission move several times almost in each duel, but anyway he could find strength enough to stand everything and as the result of it, he got a victory over his competitor. Returning to the final I should say that Ukrainian sportsman chose correct tactics, thanking to which at the beginning of the duel he applied his resultive throw and got 1 point. After it, Slava tried to apply the submission move but was disappointed: Mamuka had patience and did not surrender. Vasilenko did not want to lose his power in vain, made his opponent to fight in the standig position and in turn got 2 points more. As the result Ukrainian fighter won in the final with scoring 3:0 and there was the first gold medal of Ukraine in this Championship.
After the light weight fighters more heavy weight sportsmen continued competitions. Evgeniy Yavorsky won his first duel by points, Zhenia Phomenko and Pasha Kusch made their competitors capitulate after successful submission moves applied. And Illya Vituyck also showed perfect his first duel. Starting with very strong seria of hand punches, he came closer, chose suitable hold and applied effective throw above himself - suplex of Greek-Roman Wrestling arsenal. Vituyck did not leave any chance to his opponent in the referee`s position fight: pre-term victory by the technical knock-out.
Superheavy weight fighters were the last to participate. Our Alexey Oleinick met the "hero man" from France in his first fight, whose weight was 138kg (Oleinick weight was only 102kg). Despite of it, French fighter could resist our strong man only one and a half minute. After choke technique he had to knock on the mat.
Our sportsmen showed the rest of fights also with confidence, getting successfully to half-finals. You can only imagine: all our 7 sportsmen became the participants of half-finals. But unfortunately not all of them could cross this boundary. In final there appeared Yavorsky, Vityucck, Vasilenko and Oleinick. Hope of our combined team Pasha Kusch sensationally gave in Turkmenistan representative, missing the submission move on leg. Phomenko also lost by the submission move on leg.

After half-finals there was three hour break and at 17:00 there started the colemn openning ceremony of Olympiad in Martial Art. Flags of all countries-participants were carried by the Honorary guard platoon of Armed Forces of Ukrainian Ministry of the Interior and children dressed national suits helped them. The President of All-World Combat Sambo Federation Alexey Alexeyevich Maliy, the Vice-President of All-World Combat Sambo Federation and the President of Combat Sambo Federation of Ukraine Elkhan Nazimovich Veliyev, the President of Kiokushyn-kai Shogokukai Federation of Ukraine took floor to greet all Olympiad spectators and participants. They wished victories and health to sportsmen and perfect sight to others.
Elkhan Veliyev is the President of Combat Sambo Federation of Ukraine, Vice-President of All-World Combat Sambo Federation.
"First, I want to say that the World Championship was successful. I am glad that all dificulties we had during the prepration to the World Championship did not influence on the final result. All fights were exciting and interesting. All spectators who came into the Place of Sport on weekends convinced in it. We would like to thank the Ministry of Family, Youth and Sport and also personally the Minister of Sport Ravil Safovich Safiullin for help in organization of the Championship. We were the first to hold the World Championship at the territory of Ukraine. I think we succeeded."
95 sportsmen from 22 countries of the World came to fight on the Kiev land. It would be more, but unfortunately, most of the fighters from Europe could not arrive because of active Island volcano Eiyafyatlayokudle. But the Championship was exciting without them as well.
Alexey Maliy is the President of All-World Combat Sambo Federation.
"Combat Sambo is a unique kind of sport. It is pleasure for me to realize that each year in Ukraine it attracts attention of more and more fans. It relates to both spectator and state sector. For this year a great number of different tournaments are planned both in Russia and in Ukraine. I think that the World Championship became perfect start for their success."
"You saw yourself that all matches were perfect, - Tournament Chief Referee Valeriy Volostnych said. – Despite of the fact that Combat Sambo is maximum close to street fighting, today no one sportsman has been injured seriously. The level of fighters increases each year. I think that fighters all over the world will enter the World Forum in future."

After the openning ceremony the most interesting part that was final started. We have already reminded you Vyacheslav Vasilenko`svictorious duel. But no everyone had such success. Vityuck andYavorskiy lacked a little to get a victory. Alexey Oleinick who could do unbelievable things in the most difficult duel with Dagestan fighter brought the second gold medal for Ukraine. Match was started with the mutual holds for kurtkas and exchange of hard blows with the knees into the torso while standing. Russian sportsman could also apply several successful uppercaughts, after which Oleinick`s was bleeding and he had to consult the doctor. After the long treatment Alexey returned on the mat and public met him with the storm of applause. But not for a long time. Russian sportsman applied his punch into our fighter`s face in the prohibited position and sent him again to the doctor. This time everything turned to be more serious and the doctor even thought to forbid Alexey to continue the duel at all. Passion increased but time taken for treatment flied very quickly. All spectators calmed down waiting… and here fans again started crying "Ukraine!" "Ukraine!". Oleinick could continue the duel. A few seconds passed and public bursted at all! Of caurse! But for trauma Alexey Oleinick could gathered all his last strength and apply the choke technique! What can you say – a real fighter! In America they are called as "punchers", but they are real kosacks in Ukraine! As Alexey told after te duel: "Did you hear those fans? I could not let them down in native land!"
"It was difficult but I had no choice, - the World Champion in Combat Sambo Alexey Oleinick shared his oppinions. – It was pleasure for me after the duel. I have not fighting for native spectators for a long time. Thank them for their support!"
The combined team of Ukraine took the second place in team Competition in XV World Forum. In all seven weight categories Ukrainian Combat Sambo fighters won medals. To speak statistics language, we have two gold medals, two silver medals and three bronze medals in general.
Prizewinners and winners of the Competitions were rewarded with medals and diplomas and team-winners were rewarded with the cups from the All-World Combat Sambo Federation.
Besides, Champions of the Competitions in all weight categories were rewarded with valuable prizes.
Combat Sambo Federation of Ukraine thanks to partners of the Competitions: "Cohan" corporation, leather and special clothes factory "Trinity", "Dobro-Auto" company, "Alive source" company, "Mangust" magazine.

Championship results:
Weight category 57 kg
1st place – Маgomedov Маrat (Russia)
2nd place – Ciolak Oleg (Transnistria)
3rd place – Bakirov Islamdzan (Каzakhstan)
3rd place – Кravchonok Еvgeniy (Ukraine)
Weight category 62 kg
1st place – Vasilenko Vyacheslav (Ukraine)
2nd place – Оvakimyan Маmuka (Georgia)
3rd place – Коbosnyan Маksim (Transnistria)
3rd place – Barbarosa Andrey (Моldova)
Weight category 68 kg
1st place – Аlkhasov Маgomed (Russia)
2nd place – Yavorskiy Еvgeniy (Ukraine)
3rd place – Маtiyakubov Мurad (Uzbekistan)
3rd place – Petrachi Еvgeniy (Моldova)
Weight category 74 kg
1st place – Nurmagomedov Khabib (Russia)
2nd place – Tibilov Ibragim (South Osetia)
3rd place – Phomenko Еvgeniy (Ukraine)
3rd place – Моkanu Еvgeniy (Romania)
Weight category 82 kg
1st place – Khazbulaev Маgomed Rasul (Russia)
2nd place – Khazov Vadim (Тurkmenistan)
3rd place – Kusch Pavel (Ukraine)
3rd place – Коbesov Аlan (South Osetia)
Weight category 90 kg
1st place – Маkasharipov Маkasharip (Russia)
2nd place – Vituyk Iliya (Ukraine)
3rd place – Каrabalaev Nurbek (Каzakhstan)
3rd place – Аbbasov Bakhtiyar (Аzerbaijan)
Weight category +90 kg
1st place – Оleiynik Аlekseiy (Ukraine)
2nd place – Nurmagomedov Аbdurakhman (Russia)
3rd place – Rudolf Кriz (Czekh)
3rd place – Caron Cristophe (France)
Team results:
1st place – Russia
2nd place – Ukraine
3rd place – Каzakhstan