European Combat Sambo Championship. Мoldova. September 8, 2012. Photo

European Combat Sambo Championship 2012. September 8. Moldova. Results of competitions
In September 7, 2012 the special press-conference on the European Championship in Combat Sambo held in Kishinev.
MMA Ukraine Cup V. August 18. Cherkassy. Ukraine. Results of tournament

MMA Ukraine Cup IV. August 10. Truskavec. Ukraine. Results of tournament
Предлагаем Вашему вниманию интервью с президентом Лиги смешанных единоборств PROFC-Украина, президентом Европейской федерации боевого самбо и Федерации боевого самбо Украины – Эльханом Назимовичем Велиевым.
MMA Ukraine Cup II-III. June 29-30. Koblevo. Ukraine. Results of tournament
11 May 2012. Lvov, Ukraine.1st stage of “Cup of Ukraine in MMA”
Results of tournament
On April, 28 2012 Ist stage by Grand-Prixe Eastern Europe in ММА took place in Kiev. Results of tournament. Photo. Video
President of European Combat Sambo Federation Elkhan Veliyev appoints new Vice-President of European Combat Sambo Federation.
On February 23, the International MMA Tournament Cage Warriors 46 took place in Kiev, Ukraine.The tournament is organized by promotion company "Cage Warriors" at support "Combat Sambo Promotion".
On November 12, 2011 Final of Cup of Ukraine in mixfight "Grand Prix Ukraine" took place in Kiev. Propouse to your attention the results, photo and video of tournament.
On October 7-8, 2011 Cup of Europe in combat sambo among clubs (men) took place in Yalta (Ukraine)
On September 24-25, 2011 Cup of Europe in combat sambo among clubs (youth, juniors and young people) took place in Kishinev (Моldova). 124 young sportsmen from 17 clubs from 7 country of Europe took part in this competitions: Russia,Ukraine, Моldova, Belarus, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria.

On September 15, 2011 Cup of Ukraine in mixfight among professionals "Grand Prix Ukraine" took place in Odessa.
Propouse to your attention the result of tournament.
Photo of fights.
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